Baby Benjamin does forward bends many times
and is so relaxed~~~Daddy Theodore, does hand
strokes as described below to help calm~~~
Practice this Yoga forward bend to rejuvenate your body
inside and out!
Ground your feet into the floor spreading your toes wide apart,
with your toes pointing forward.
Legs apart- -to your comfort level--bend down with breastbone reaching upwards
Until your head goes down---bending knees if needed and
if you want to release out lower back a bit more.
When bending forward you can either have your hands right
Down on floor in middle, on sides, on feet, calves, thighs
or grab your big toes (don’t pull them off!)—by index finger
and thumb and as you exhale just release down a bit more—until
you feel your own tension gently release.
Forward bends are great for your body, mind & spirit----
Just breath the number of breaths you are comfortable with and
Then slowly---slowly come up again as you inhale~~~
Bringing your head down helps you feel more invigorated and alive~~~
as long as you don’t stay down too long for YOU!
To induce a relaxed state of mind~~~
Stroke lightly upwards on
The back of your hand~~~