Sunday, November 23, 2008

For a short meditation---I have used a piece of Dove Chocolate. ~~~B R E A T H E ~~~
Sit comfortably---holding the wrapped piece of chocolate, relax and breathe
In & out---with every breath ---think about how it feels in your hand---the texture, the smoothness the width, circumference. ~~~B R E A T H E ~~~
Now put it up to your nose—close your eyes,
And smell it---smell in mindfully---do all of this mindfully being totally aware of what you have in your hands.
~~~B R E A T H E ~~~
Then slowly unwrap your candy and listen to the paper, feel every movement in your hand. Now read the message on your dove paper and feel this message sink to your memory~~~
~~~B R E A T H E ~~~
Now crunch the paper and feel, hear and smell—you can almost taste it already! Place the paper next to you and the feel the chocolate with your fingers.
~~~B R E A T H E ~~~
Put it near your nose and smell it, look at the design on it---what is it? Touch, feel,
Smell, See and now slowly place your tongue on it and Taste it. Hmmmmm~~~
~~~B R E A T H E ~~~
When you slowly put the chocolate in your mouth---do not bite it at first, just feel
The warmth of your mouth surrounding it~~melting it slowly~~~slowly ~~~
~~~B R E A T H E ~~~
As it melts gradually down your tongue into your throat, notice every thing about it.

~~~B R E A T H E ~~~

~~~R E L A X ~~~

How long did this take for you? You can make this sample meditation as long or
Short as you have time for. Just do it! How do you feel when you are done?
~~~You are Good Stuff~~~~

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