Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ward Off Health Problems----Let's "Move to Keep Moving"

TRY LIONS POSE! AMBER IS SHOWN HERE demonstrating how it is
done! It brings out laughter and exercises your throat and facial areas! SMILE!

Join us every Friday Morning at the Rice Lake Senior
Center---back door---8:30 -9:30am

If you have any question as to if there is a class,
please call 234-7224 or 234-9300


Friday, May 1, 2009

Join Teresa Valenzuela and Lynda Sirianni to learn more
about ZUMBA.
at: UW Barron County Campus

May 19, 21 and 26 (two Tuesdays and one Thursday)

3 sessions 5:30 -6:30pm

$20.00 for all three classes!

Call or email Samantha Heathman to register now!
---Space is limited---call soon!

715-234-8176 ext. 5403
or email:

Zumba® Fitness is like no other workout you will ever experience! ZUMBA.COM
Zumba® Fitness was created in the mid-90s by Colombian native Alberto “Beto” Perez, a celebrity fitness trainer and choreographer for International pop superstars.
Inspired by the traditional cumbia, salsa, samba and merengue music he grew up with, Beto paired his favourite pulsating Latin rhythms with the red-hot international dance steps his clients loved and Zumba® Fitness (Spanish slang for “to move fast and have fun”) was born!